Christian Walk, Life, Personal

A True, True Love Story

True love is hard to find these days, at least in the sense that most people believe it to be. Experiencing that “love at first sight” moment that is followed by “happily ever after” just doesn’t seem to happen too often. In fact, Hollywood is taking more time to explore other types of love because the fairy tale love story is becoming less and less of a reality.

True love is becoming harder to find not because it no longer exists, but rather because it’s definition has been skewed. True love cannot be defined as a magical experience filled with romance that will often break into a huge musical number. True love is actually hard work. True love is living through disappointment. True love is humbling. True love is actually not about me.

There is really only one true, true love story. That relationship actually began with a “love at first sight” experience, but it quickly made a drastic turn. Instead of being satisfied with that love, one turned away from the other. There was unfaithfulness, a desire for something more. While most stories would end there in tragedy, this one continues. The one who was wronged continued to extend love even though it was not reciprocated. In fact, the relationship grew so terrible that the faithful lover had to pay an awful price to win back the lost one, the price of death.

How is this a love story? Can it really end with only one side of the relationship taking any interest, ultimately resulting in death? That’s the best part! It doesn’t end there.

Mankind has been searching for true love since the beginning of time, quite literally. The problem is that it has been within our grasp the entire time. God, the Creator of all things, has chosen to give His love to us. While we have searched for love everywhere else, we have ignored his beckoning call. Without His love, we are lost and without hope; however, He has paid the ultimate price to give us a chance to turn back to Him and experience His amazing love. By sending Christ to die on the cross, to be buried in a tomb, and to rise from the dead, God has paid the penalty for our unfaithfulness. We have access to His love. We need only to turn and accept His precious gift.

While we continue to struggle temporarily on this earth, we are given the great promise of spending our “happily ever after” in God’s presence for all eternity. If you have never experienced God’s love, I urge you to seek Him today. He wants that relationship with you and with me. There is truly no other love like that which He offers.

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